First help them do back boleos solo at mirror/wall out of solo backward ochos.
Lead travelling backwards ochos followed by boleo of left extension in slow motion
Do it more times until it becomes smooth
Have them lead backward ochos
Have them pause when follower is fully extended towards handwards side, before weight transfer
Show them how to interrupt the ocho and create boleo by stepping to where follower’s foot has extended to
End with double forward ocho (“americano”)
When soloing, make sure follower keeps Alignment
Follower needs to extend ocho-ing leg fully before transferring
Timing is everything for lead. Must land boleo before follower starts to transfer weight.
When they are leading, help them keep focus on follower’s balance (=standing leg)
On step that triggers the boleo, leader’s hips should be facing follower
Leader will tend to tug left side backwards away from follower to create boleo. Instead, keep it “surrounding” the follower.
Leader needs to fully step onto leg to create boleo
End with an open-to-open sacada after the “americano”
Follower can bend knee, at end of full extension when they feel impulse of boleo!
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