How to travel down the line of dance using tango elements
Explain the structure of the sentence: Side step -> Backward Ochos -> The Cross -> Forward Ochos -> Side step
Zoom in on transition from Backwards Ochos to the Cross, doing it slowly several times.
Execute it several times with different numbers of Ochos.
This exercise brings together the previous elements. The idea is to find a feeling of flow as you do it.
Stay in outside lane and travel downstream
Leader faces outward toward walls/mirrors/tables
Handward side of embrace points down line of dance
It doesn’t matter which system the leader uses to get to the Cross.
Point out how little the leader moves vs the follower.
Leader should keep their body frontal to partner. To do this they need to switch feet on ocho exits.
“How Many Ochos?” Game: Let them decide in advance how many ochos they’ll follow: ODD number of backwards ochos, EVEN number of forward ochos.
Backleading this, while telling them verbally what to do with their feet, really helps a first-time leader
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